Every participant is unique and has a unique housing budget.
Check the Head of Household’s Voucher paperwork for the tenant’s individual housing budget. Different families made up of the same number of people may be able to afford different rents for the same unit.
A new Voucher must be issued before a Voucher-holder may move.
If a Voucher-holder wants to move or transfer to a new unit, he or she must follow the entire new move-in procedure before being permitted to move with his or her subsidy.
The subsidy cannot be paid until the date the new unit passes the inspection or the date the lease goes into effect, whichever is later.
The tenant is responsible for all rent if he or she occupies a unit before it passes inspection
Section 8 does not provide funds for security deposits or damage deposits. Deposits are entirely the responsibility of the tenant.
Because Section 8 cannot pay for damages, any damages the tenant causes should be paid for out of the deposit.
The building type, bedroom size and the utilities that the tenant is responsible for affect the rent the tenant can afford.
Make sure that this information is filled out correctly and completely. In addition, make sure the tenant’s budget is calculated for the size of the unit he or she wants to rent.
The landlord’s rights and responsibilities don’t change when working with Section 8
- Please treat Voucher-holders like all other tenants; Use the same lease, expect the same lease compliance, and follow the same procedures for non-compliance.
- The rents charged to Voucher-holders should be comparable to similar units’ market rate rent. For example, on the Request for Tenancy Approval, HUD requires us to document the recent rents that are being charged to non-Section 8 tenants in similar market-rate units in the same complex.
The date the building was built determines whether the Lead-Based Paint Addendum is necessary, even if it was remodeled at a later date.
Make sure that both tenant and landlord sign the form when appropriate.
Ensure that both the landlord and tenant sign the Request for Tenancy Approval.
The owner section of the form may be filled our by a representative of the owner. Please provide the phone number and name of a contact person for the inspection.