Predictable cash flow
Every month landlords receive part of each Voucher-assisted tenant’s rent from AHACV. These “housing assistance payments” (HAPs) generally arrive on the same date every month. The payments, which help low-income families afford decent, safe and affordable housing, provide a dependable source of income for participating owners.
Free advertising for vacant units
While we cannot refer tenants to specific owners, we can help tenants find housing by providing up-to-date lists of units available for rent. Owners may offer as many units as they like on these lists – free of charge. To list your property, please complete the Section 8 Rental Listing form. The list of vacancies is updated bi-monthly and made available via this website and in our lobby.
Flexibility and stability
If a tenant’s income unexpectedly drops, we can reduce his or her portion of the rent and increase AHA’s portion. This flexibility helps Voucher-assisted tenants maintain stable tenancies.
Maintain property value
Our housing inspectors help owners identify and fix problems with units. By ensuring that units are kept in good condition, the program improves tenants’ quality of life and helps owners protect their investments.