Section 8 Applicants

Section 8 Applicants

Section 8 Program Overview
Tenant – Based Program

Program participants must find their own place to rent from a landlord or property management company using the Voucher issued by the Area Housing Authority to pay for part of the rent. Generally, the Voucher holder will pay between 30%-40% of their household income toward rent and the Housing Authority will pay the difference, directly to the property owner each month. Without the participation of willing landlords, families can experience difficulty finding a good place to live.

The Housing Authority team understands that a cooperative partnership with local landlords is critical to securing affordable housing for low and moderate income families. The Housing Authority continually seeks out new owners and property management companies to participate in the Voucher Program.

Section 8 Program Overview
Project – Based Program

The Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Program assigns vouchers to specific housing units or properties (usually apartments). If you live in an apartment with a Project-Based Voucher and you move, the voucher stays with the property and does not go with you.